
#374 - Splurge !!!

10:00 PM

Today is White Day !! I spent the whole day with Jia Yi aka NaitoRyuu !! You can see her blogpost here too ; http://naitoryuu.blogspot.com/2012/03/white-day-with-happiness-no-boyfriend.html And yes, no boyfriend needed to enjoy a day like this ! Had a mini lrt adventure hehehehhe. I can't even remember the last time I went on an lrt.

Went to splurge our cash out at Berjaya Times Square !! I think....... I am lucky to have remaining cash after today TT But I'm planning to go there again ! I missed out on a few things TT Next time... I'll get them all !!! And this was my second time seeing her !! The last and first time was at 2011 C2AGE. oTL. What kind of social life do I have ><

First blooper picture I'm sharing !! For more, please scroll to the end of this post :P I think this would be the first time I'm sharing blooper pictures. We reached there really early, so we walked around and ate at McDonald's. We talked about clowns, and childhood birthday parties and themeparks and so much more ~ Our shopping spree officially started after lunch 8D

Went to MANY SHOPS. And guess who went broke at i-Socks ?? HEHEHEHE. I went broke too TT Walked around the whole place, but we mostly went into the RM10 and RM25 shops :P oTL cheapskate !!! But I managed to get 4 shirts and a pair of leggings + headphones and two presents for Yvonne's birthday !! ( ps : I owe Yvonne about 4 years of bday presents ? ) RAWR.

Above is the Block B shirt we saw at the KPOP shop !!! Guess what I bought for Yvonne from there ? HAHAHA. Anyways, we remembered about Mama Mero when we saw the shirt ! Purposely took a picture of the shirt for her :D And we were predicting her response too ! We were right on with the response though xD Her reply tweets on twitter were awesome. She's a really big fan of Block B !!!

KPOP fans, do head over to Berjaya Times Square :) Look for the shop "My Star". HEHEHEHE. Or hire me to take you there ! I want to go back too TT I saw Teen Top's stuff !! And the posters QAQ If only they had nicer ones of groups I actually like !!!

Ended our shopping spree around 2.30pm ? That was really fast QAQ; We crashed at Wendy's for a short break :P Two large cokes for us HEHEHEHEHHEHE

We saw these headphones at a shop for RM15 each *steal !! The blue one is mine :) There was pink, but only one blue left so........ Obviously I had to take the elusive rare one HAHAHAHA I am such a failure when it comes to choosing TT

One of my favourite pics among the camwhore pics :D

Another one of my favourite pic :P

We spent about an hour at Wendy's just talking and camwhoring !! TEEHEE. Continued walking around the place ~ We saw a Korean makeup shop earlier so we went back there to check it out ^^

Holika Holika is a makeup brand endorsed by CN Blue !! She bought an eyeliner there and got some anti aging serum + the above calendar. Thanks for the calendar XD hehehehe. Now I have a reason to look at the calendar everyday. LOL. Not to forget, we went to Etude house too !! SHINee !!!! They were these lip balms ( i think it was lip balms ) that had each member's signature beneath it ! But you have to use it finish to see the signature. HAHAHAHA. Great idea to make people buy it. Taemin's was Guava !! I think Minho's was Cherry. Key's was Passion Fruit. I can't remember JongHyun's and Onew''s flavour TT

HAHAHAHAHHA. I JUST HAD TOO. And I just realized I'm blocking the cat TT Left Berjaya Times Square soon after. The sky looked like it was gonna rain.

Taken before leaving Times Square :D We have matching headphones 8D

I'll remember this LRT station allright.... Pasar Seni > Masjid Jamek > Hang Tuah > IMBI > KL Sentral > Pasar Seni. We took the long way there. LOL. We'll be smarter now :P 

And these were taken at the LRT station :P hehehehehhe. We parted ways at the Pasar Seni staion. *sniff. We should really have more outings like this :) Except with more $$ to spend :P Or maybe a pool party and karaoke !! HEHEHEHE. 

I'll update on what I bought,..... in the next post :) Meanwhile, enjoy the bloopers. *failed camwhore angles. I should learn to take pictures with people... I can manage four people in one picture... but when it's two....... oTL. I FAIL. HAHAHAHAHA.

#1. HEHEH. I accidently cut of the eyes :X But hey ! You can easily see the headphones, and our smiles and nose (LOL) , and I just realized our shirts match. STRIPES !!!

#2 I don't think I would consider this a blooper but.... my hand spoils the picture TT And this is also one of my favourites !! :D

#3 I once again cut off my eyes... and well... my headphone wires........ TT

#4. What is with me and cutting off eyes ? TT must. learn. to. take. selcas. with. other. people.

#5 One eyed me. Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. 

#6 I cut off her face HAHAHAHAHA OMG. Enough fails to share for today TT

It's time to open up all of these, camwhore and post them up. HAHAHAHAHAH. Oh wells. Meanwhile, I should start settling everything i pushed aside for today TT Good things has it's downs too. But I enjoyed today, that's what matters the most :)

And I should get myself a wiggu TWT The temptation of walking next to a person wearing a wig for the whole day is too much XD hehehhehe.

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