
#377 - Cuteness Overload

7:06 PM

*opens door* HYOSEOK. *close door*. *opens door* KYUMIN. *close door* *opens door* KWANGYEON. OMG. I can play this game anyday ~ 

And this it's HanByul !! 

KyuMin and KwangYeon hitting each other with a fan XD ~~~~ SO CUTE.

KyuMin is so cute *-* 

cr : ginaluvjae at YT ||| redbass.net

You can find more fancams and videos from her site :) Seriously, if my laptop didnt' lag from too many youtube tabs i would stay at her channel all day long TT But sadly, I can only afford a to watch a few a day. I wonder what the apples are doing in Japan ~~~ They should just come to Malaysia already !! Why does everyone not come to Malaysia ?? It's always Singapore and Taiwan and Thailand. Malaysia is so close by and yet noboy comes. Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. PS : The apples are just so darn CUTE.

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