
#379 - Zooooooooooooooooooooooooo`

2:53 PM

17th March 2012 ! A joint project with the Leo Club of SMK Assunta to bring the orphans from Rumah Kanak-Kanak K.I.D.S. to the Zoo Negara. Lots of last minute interference on our side but thank goodness it worked out well :)) I wished we had more time though.

But because my mum is on a company trip to Indonesia, I had trouble thinking of transport to go to school at 7.30AM in the morning !! The bus isnt an option anymore, I'm not gonna sit at the bus stop at 6 just to wait for the first bus to pass by. But even that doesn't guarantee I'll be there on time. So when Jasslyn said she was going for the trip, I asked if I could sleepover ! And the second she said YES , AHHHHHHH PROBLEM SOLVED. THANK YOU JASSLYN !!!

I was so bored I braided my hair :) Aren't I cute ? HEHEHEH. Reached Subang around 3 and had to collect the permission forms for the zoo trip TT And the scouts were having a fundraiser on that day too ! Don't blame me for not going, the only details I had was "it's tmr!" and "to raise funds" and well, don't expect me to go for something with that sort of details.

Jasslyn's house was really nice ! I liked the big mirror in her house !!! And the fan...... I didn't even need an aircond to sleep on that day. The fan was cold enough. LOL. And her mum was nice :) She thought I had really black eye bags, but it was just the lighting. Although I admit I do have eye bags TT Ate chicken rice for dinner and we even bought snacks !! HAHAHA. We were at the shop for awhile thinking how to fully use the RM5. Oh well. And I think I now like chocopie !! It's nice to eat :3 But I only bought one.. Maybe I'll go buy some more later ~~~

Giraffe's have sexy butts. The way they stand... animal supermodels !!! 

With Jasslyn :) Thanks again for letting me sleepover !! And JunHao called me a gangster because I kept wearing my headphones the whole day. Does that even make sense ??

Can you see the red birds ??

This was an emo bear TT Didn't move at all !!!

With LiYin at the Children's World section !! I wanted a picture with the colourful background :P HEHEH.

We rushed around the zoo because we wanted to be on time for the animal show at 11.00AM. And because of that, we upset a kid named Joshua. He really wanted to see the reptiles , but because the reptile house would take a really long time, we skipped it. Sigh. I hope he doesnt feel so sad. But the animal show was fun !! I really liked the sealions and the bearcat !! I WANT A BEARCAT TT

Rachel, LiYin, yourstuly :D LiYin always seems to bring hats whever she goes. LOL.

Seeing LiYin's pink shoes seriously reminded me of NU'EST's Ren !! Ahhh I should go back to Times Square. PS : Does anyone know where I can find Ren's sort of shoes online ?? I'm trying to look for it myself but.... it's really hard ><

I spotted these fedoras when we first entered the zoo, but only decided to get it after LiYin thought of getting it for Jason Cheong. So... I now own a fedora !! But I don't really wear hats so I'm thinking of sending it to LED Apple's Jason, ...... since he always seems to wearing fedoras. But..... sayanglah TT

I came home to a happy dog :D You missed me didn't you Cuddles ? HAHAHAHA. She's right next to me as I'm blogging now. Her black fur ^~^ Needs to be cut soon. She's turning into a furball !!

PS : Sorry for inconsistent lighting in the photos. Since picnik is going to close down in April, I thought I'd try getting use to Photofiltre. Hence, the collages and random lightings. Sigh. Picnik is still better TT

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