
#384 - SHINee's BACK !

10:39 AM

SHINee's back, SHINee's back ~~

It's been more than one year since then, and gosh, now I remember why SHINee was the first KPOP group I actually liked. HEHEH. I should redo my favourites list again TWT AND AND AND AND AND SMTOWN is having a SHINee Sherlock Cover Contest !!!

go to www.everysing.com for more details :) or click on the link at the video. heheh. i'm taking my chance , so tempted to win the prizes @.@ 3 categories :O I wonder if i can even make it TT

Tonight SHINee’s in the house ! wo ~~  ho ~~~

So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee ~~~

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