
#389 - Sadness MV

4:21 PM

I've been waiting for this ever since the digital single was released TT Why did they take so long to release this ? :O But then again, the MV didn't disappoint me !! It's definately different from the previous MVs, and in this case I like the fact that every member gets more or less an equal showtime in the MV. Although I wouldn't mind if they release 6 version for each of the members HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE.

And I've entered a competition ^^ please help me click the link http://www.gurupop.net/event/promotion.gre.php?event=9&code=67757275706f7032323237 It's not spam ! I guarantee :) If you want to know why I want to win so badly, just click, and you'll see the prizes. SADNESS ? ALBUM ? AUTOGRAPHED ? POLAROID ? YEAH I WANT IT THAT BADLY. Let me warn you, I'll be spamming this link until the comp ends :) Help me ? TT Desperate**

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Words cannot express how much I love this song. How much I love this mv. How much I love LED Apple. <3<3<3<3<3

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2 lovebites

  1. I enjoyed your post. It’s a lot like college – we should absorb everything we can but ultimately you need to take what you’ve learned and apply it.
    1995 Mitsubishi Montero AC Compressor

  2. You can try and win it from other sources too !
