
#378 - NU'EST Debut Stages

7:26 PM

So.... NU'EST has already made their 1st, 2nd and 3rd live performances. I SERIOUSLY LIKE THE CAMERAMAN THAT KEEPS RECORDING REN :D HEHEHEHEHE. So , even the cameraman likes Ren :P Oh, and I like their Music Core debut stage the best. I think it's pre-recorded, but still, maybe it's just me. The other stages were great as well ! But I think the reason why I like MuCore's the best is because Ren is wearing the pink and leopard print clothes for mucore :P

Above is their Mnet Countdown and MusicBank stage. Ahhhhh why am I not able to understand Korean !! I. better. learn. fast. Or maybe let me live in Korea !! Then I can see them ~~~ I think I should update my ranking list TWT

Groups ;
1. LED Apple

Bias ;
1. Seo Young Jun [ LED Apple ]
2. Ren [ NU'EST ]
3. Jason Jang Han Byul [ LED Apple ]

I'm so screwed. I just realized YoungJun and HanByul are about 8 (?) years older than me, while Ren is 6-7 months younger than me. Ahhh.... At least..... I'm not a noona to them :P HEHEHEHHEHE. I think I'm going mad. I should update about the zoo trip asap..... just to clear KPOP off my mind.

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3 lovebites

  1. I like the women's group than the man one. They are really pretty !

  2. @zhijiang ; that's because you're a guy.

    @sam ; you know, i was like "OHHHHHMAIGAWD sam left a comment !" and it's a ' -.- ' face. oTL
