
#386 - Let's Talk

9:46 PM

Stayed back for kokurikulum today :) Cik Munira kept asking us to play badminton but well.... I ended up spending that one and a half hour talking about KPOP with Amelia and Lee Xuan. Then I saw Seng Zhao and his iPhone :) And wahlah ! I have ss pictures to share.

And if you havent been reading my tweets, I'd just like to share with you guys................. that I'm gonna participate in the SHINee Sherlock Cover Contest ! ( which will most probably fail again )

And I've decided to join xanderland.asia !!! aka Alexander Lee Eusebio's fanclub :P It's just RM32 !! For a year :) Worth it if you ask me HEHEHEHE. Only thing is when will I have time to bank in TT

And I hope Xander comes back to Malaysia.... soon ! But not in May... it's an exam infested month D: And LEO forum is right after exams !!! I don't even know what to wear / do. Blurring out now @.@

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