
#376 - NU'EST - FACE

4:17 PM

I knew about NU'EST from allkpop and LOENENT's youtube channel, and although I didn't bother watching the teasers, their debut song mv, FACE , was good enough to attract me ! I really liked it ! It's really catchy and easy to remember. The english words QAQ; Jackpot ! So what ?! AND REN IS SO PRETTY. BEAUTIFUL. He looks like a doll ! Can I have him ? I saw him for one second and he's already my bias in that group.

And the pink shoes he's wearing in the MV !!! OMG. I saw a pair like that at Berjaya Times Square yesterday ! *kicks self for not buying it* TT I need to go back and get it. Hopefully my size is there or I'll cry ! (kidding) But really, Ren is so beautifully handsome *-* And the leopard prints look good on him. Really good ! Watch the MV below :) 

And just incase any of you didn't watch the teasers (like me) Here it is ~

NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ FACE (Teaser) (BAEKHO ver.)

NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ FACE (Teaser) (REN ver.)

NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ FACE (Teaser) (MINHYUN ver.)

NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ FACE (Teaser) (JR ver.)

NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ FACE (Teaser) (ARON ver.)

LIKE their official facebook page >>> http://www.facebook.com/pledisnuest
And suscribe to their official youtube channel >>> http://www.youtube.com/user/pledisnuest

Ahhh seriously. I need to take some screencaps of the mv >< ren ren ren ren ren ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And follow them on twitter !!!
NU'EST official twitter https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTNEWS
And apparently the members have twitter.... but they havent started tweeting yet O.O
Aron >>> https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTaron
Jr >>> https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTjr
MinHyun >>> https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTminhyun
Baekho >>> https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTbaekho
Ren >>> https://twitter.com/#!/NUESTren/following

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8 lovebites

  1. Is it possible to order some of his shoes online!? In so in love with Ren's shoes.

  2. dear anonymous, i wonder who you are TT
    i'm not so sure about online, but i saw it around kl ~ PS : I LOVE HIS SHOES TOO !!

    1. Do you know what kind of shoes they are?(: I'm like really interested. Lol since I'm from the US I really can't go to kl to look around... U know /:

  3. Ahhh I never thought I'd have a blog reader from the US. We should be friends ~~ Hmmmm I'll try looking around online for you ~ If I'm lucky to find one I'll let you know asap !! I'm not good with shoes... but I think they're hightops (?) taking a wild guess TT

  4. Alright sounds good, I'll look for you on twitter k. Oh Okayy thanks so much. But Yaaa I think they are high tops for sure.

  5. my twitter's @nuttyvivi :)) mention me so i'll know it's you :D

  6. Erm, is there anyway i can find his shoes in the MV @ 1:23 ??

  7. OMG I WANT HIS SHOES TOO! Do you know where I can find the pink ones? They're amazing *dreamy eyes*
