What/Who Inspires Me The Most? Why Am I Drawn To Those Inspirations?

11:26 PM

Hello hello!

Guess who's finally gotten their vaccine appointment? lol 

I got the notification shortly pass midnight last night... and it wasn't the vaccine that I wanted. But after thinking about it, I'll just accept it and move on. Herd immunity over being selfish eh? I know I won't like the vaccine I'm getting but it's either I take it or I wait an unknown period for another one. *shrugs* They say don't settle, but... oh well.

To answer today's journaling prompt, I actually find myself mostly inspired by the success of other people. I like listening to people's success stories. When they've failed and tried and failed and yet still try again! It's quite inspiring to listen. I know some things by heart. Like do the same things 100 times and you'll get better and attain success! Be consistent and you'll see small changes accumulate into big changes! And more, but sometime hearing other people's struggles and how they finally manage to overcome it, kind of makes it feel OK, that anyone can do it, that I CAN DO IT TOO.

Art wise I do find myself influenced a lot of Chinese, Japanese and Korean art. Especially their traditional wear! I've always had a fancy for their traditional wear. I find it so classy and elegant yet the characters always looks so gorgeous and beautiful! Call this the influence of animes, donghuas, and more - but I'm in love with it to the point I tried making arts base on those references. It's nowhere near as good as I want it to be, but I like it! Aim is to one day own some for myself even if I only wear it at home T.T

I actually almost forgot to type this journaling prompt today. I had some motivation to do some field work today so I left the house... who knew that leaving the house made me forget about my blog... until I was going to shut down the laptop to go to sleep HAHAHA. So here I am, last minute chugging out my inspiration for this blog post.

Another thing that I get inspired by are other's peoples sharings, especially on Instagram or Youtube. I know it's not 100% the truth, as nothing on social media is every 100% as perceived by the eye, but I do like it when they post their journals spreads, their art, their photography, their food reviews, and more! Everyone is a story teller, cause you'll never know what small information you share that will inspire someone else in life.

I wonder if I ever inspired someone else before?

Well, goodnight!

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