What's Draining My Energy? How Do I Reduce or Cut It Out?

10:19 PM

Hello hello!

I had an amazing dream last night about being on a holiday and enjoying sights... until my boyfie called to wake me up HAHAHA. It was 9AM that my holiday ended LMAO. Working from home has really messed up my body clock, if anything. I'm not even sure why I feel so awake at night yet so drained in the morning. I'm half relying on morning workouts to get my engine started and running honestly.... but if I want to maintain that energy when I go back to a regular work cycle... I'm not so sure how to go about it haha.

So what's been draining my energy?

I've honestly used less of social media since WFH life began. And since then I think I only open it during dinner to keep myself occupied LOL. During work on the field I used to open it more often to relieve myself of boredom while waiting. I'm glad I reduced social media time hahaha (although now it's just time replaced by mangas and manhuas and novels and youtube lol) But those don't drain my energy, because I enjoy the content that I'm consuming.

If anything, I got really tired of my game... I used to have so much fun and placed energy in it... I wonder when it got too much? I'm pretty sure I know gacha games have terrible pull rates, but to never pull a banner unit since last year and not being able to catch up with the meta was pretty depressing. I even talked to the guild leader to let me leave, but because we didn't have enough people in the guild he asked me to stay until we get a replacement... I'm just barely doing my dailies and striking for guild events now. Sigh. I don't think I'll be super into the game anymore unless I pull a banner unit I actually LIKE.

I'm not sure what else is sapping my energy though... I probably have alot of calories to burn considering the fact that I'm sitting at home all day lol. I even talked to Hsuen to do a workout challenge program together and she's in for it!! Can't wait to get started haha! Everything works better with a friend hehehe I do hope we both manage to stay committed to it and see it through till the end...

Well.. they say you're only tired easily if you're not doing enough of things that you love or things that make you feel fulfilled. It's time to change my gears then, all my energy isn't going into what I want to build myself into.

Time to get started, again.

Good night!

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