What Would Make Me Happy Right Now?

10:41 PM

Hello Day 3! 

Was typing this while sipping tea - got it from Rixile.co on Instagram when I ordered their collagen drinks. I quite like the collagen drinks, and they gave me some tea samples that they're planning to launch soon. Do support the small businesses if you can during these trying times!

Now moving on to the prompt of the day:

What would make me happy right now? 

This topic came at a divine timing haha. I woke up this morning and one of the first YouTube videos on my recommendations list was about seeking happiness. I found it quite enlightening at that moment.

We wish for money - to be happy
We wish for good health - to be happy
We wish for material possessions - to be happy
We wish for love - to be happy
We wish for almost anything - TO BE HAPPY.

BUT, we wish for things to lead us to happiness, albeit temporary. And yet we do not wish for happiness in the present moment itself. Why is that so? When did our minds become programmed into thinking that getting A, B or C in our lives will make us happy?  

I'm grateful for everything that I have right now, because I realize all that I have right now was something that I desperately prayed for and wanted in the past. I can still remember my kiddo self praying in the bedroom for al the blessings I have today. I am happy with where I am right now. I'm excited to look forward to things that have yet to come into my life.

I have enough money to not worry about finances despite trying times. My family and I are healthy! I have amazing love and friend relationships. I am just really thankful and happy for all these small blessings. I might not be laughing or smiling every moment every day - but I am happy.

But what would make me even happier? 

Is when my country is finally free from COVID, when we can finally go back to our normal lives, when we go freely go out and socialize with people, when we aren't limited to hiding behind screens and masks, when we can travel the world again, when the hospitals aren't overcrowded with people seeking help, when we don't have to be confined in our homes anymore. 

In all honesty, small random things from my daily life make me happy.

When my dog chooses to chill with me. When the food is good. Reading a good book or manga. Watching an anime or drama episode. Painting. Drawing. Gaming. Sharing memes with friends. Going for a short walk. Catching the sunset. The smell of fresh rain. Good sunlight coming in through the windows. Just many small things that happen through the day. 

And sometimes, that's all it takes to be a bit happier :)

And here's some random shibe selfies to brighten up this post. This shiba plushie was my birthday gift this year from le boyfie ♥️

Before signing off and heading to bed, I do want to share one last thing.

I was listening to a podcast earlier on being stronger than my fears, and bolder than my insecurities. I resonated so much with that podcast that I'd suggest you take a short 20 minutes to listen to it HERE. I listen to Aileen's podcasts every now and then, jumping between episodes... never thought to listen to her 1st ever episode hahaha. Made me realize how almost everyone will go through the same phases in life at different times in different situations.

Will we all be happier if we didn't fear so much?

I wonder.

I hope you will stay happy as well, or find your happiness soon ♥️

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