What am I Grateful For? List at least 10 things.

2:58 PM

 Hello Day 5 of the Journaling Prompts series!

I'm liking this habit of journaling online daily. Gets some of the negative feelings out of my system! It feels like a habit I would want to instill into my daily life. Honestly I would like to do some of those actual journaling in journals with stickers and washi and all those journal decorations but I know myself, I'd get too lazy, and it brings out the perfectionist on how everything has to be "perfect" in that journal. At least blogging about it won't get me irritated by my own handwriting hahaha. Sometimes I wonder how much practice people put into achieving that aesthetic handwriting... *shrugs*

Now to get to the 10 things I'm grateful for... (which to me might seem repetitive because I've been mentioning it in the past few journaling posts as well!)

    1. I'm grateful for good health and a healthy body.

    2. I'm grateful for loving, healthy relationships in my life.

    3. I'm grateful to have a wonderful paying career with supportive colleagues.

    4. I'm grateful to have a place to call home with food on the table.

    5. I'm grateful to have zero financial worries, with spare to invest with.

    6. I'm grateful to have a wonderful online community to connect with during the pandemic.

    7. I'm grateful for the many books and podcasts that I can feed my soul with.

    8. I'm grateful for the workout programmes to keep my body moving daily.

    9. I'm grateful for the technology and social media and apps that allow communications daily!

    10. I'm grateful for choosing to revive my blog, even if no one reads it (hehe)

Now... that was a little harder than I expected it to be. Since I end up combining a few related things together, I actually froze at 7 things... had to crack my head for the last 3 things hehe. What about you? Did you take time to think what you're grateful for today? I usually have a gratitude app on my phone to remind myself to list down at least 3 things I'm grateful for on that specific day. I even have the reminder notification set daily so that I won't miss a day. I find a great way to end the day before sleeping. You should try it too! I highly recommend it :)

#10 might seem a little weird to you guys but... blogging was once my pride HAHAHA. It was the medium that secured me a trip to Korea for free, that got me invitations to events, that led me to met other people, and even today I wondered why I stopped...

I was super excited back then, I'd bug my mom to get a camera for me (twice!), and happily take pictures of almost everything everyday. I probably annoyed a lot of people, but at the same time I'm glad that I have a lot of pictures to look back on during those times... I stopped using the cameras once phone cameras became the "new camera" and well... that's what I'm using today haha!

Blogs aren't mainstream now but I did enjoy reading many people's contents back in the old days. Where people used to blog freely about their emotions without a care in the world. Being emo or happy or sad or just anything - putting in down in black and white made it all easier. Publish the post and that's that! Was so much better than Twitter. I quit twitter when I realized I was only using it to vent feelings and frustrations... it turned into an app I'd reach for only when I'm down and under, and I never want to always feel like that. So I got rid of Twitter from my phone hahaha.

Welp I'll stop here for today. Thank you for reading and I hope you get to list down things that you're grateful for today :)

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