What Advice Would I Give to My Younger Self? Do I Follow This Advice Now?

10:54 PM

 Hello hello! ❤

Today's journal prompt seems to have me stuck in a circle once again! Hahaha!

I typed the above sentence this afternoon.... and now it's 10.24PM. I guess I'm a night owl when it comes to blogging HAHAHA. This question now reminds me of a korean variety show where they asked a group of male idols what advice would they give their younger selves (I can't remember which group it was) - but I remember laughing the heck out of it because they just said "BUY BITCOIN". HAHAHAHHA. Wow much trendy such rich advice HAHAHAH I would pass that advice to my younger self too 😂

And because of that sudden memory I do want to tell my younger self to learn how to invest. I grew up in a family situation where money is often a difficult topic to talk about. I only got to do my degree because my stepfather offered to pay for it, and it would've been a different story if I didn't have my stepfather in my life. But now that I'm earning money, I'm still so slow at investing money... I am trying, but still very afraid of the unknown... I'm learning now. But one step at a time. I wish I knew earlier, so all my money could be making more money now. 


Also, don't try so hard to please people. They don't care anyway in the end. You're just becoming a gossip topic for them. People only care about themselves, and therefore you should too. It's ok to put yourself first. That's ALWAYS OK. Always be honest with your feelings. And take care of your body and health. Exercise is your best friend, you'll love it! Keep doing what you love, keep doing what you're passionate about, even if no one else knows why you love it. This is hard, and I'm still keeping a lot of things in the closet. I'm just really envious of people who freely shares everything with the world.

Read more books. You know you love that feeling of being engrossed in a book all day all week long. Don't stop. Doesn't matter if it's fiction, or fantasy or mangas or novels, you know you like to dive into that limitless imaginative world. Read more and fill your soul. It always feels good to put the book down after you're done with that adventure. E-books are fine too, just turn that page daily and you'll enjoy yourself more :) 

Cherish your loved ones. Always make time for them. I know I'm not the most patient person in the entire world but hear them out. Listen, and if you're angry. Don't say things you don't mean just because you're angry. Compose yourself. Apologize if you need to. There's nothing shameful about saying sorry.

I would give myself so much more advice... but I think it'll come out sounding like regrets of things I didn't do in the past. I'll take a step back for now, and maybe revisit this topic some time in the future.

And maybe I'll just end this post without a picture for once. Hehe. I know I'm not happy with the quality of this blog post today... but even that would be advice for myself. To not be such a perfectionist. It's okay to not give my 100% every single time. You'll only get burnout and feel uninspired and want to quit. So I'll just leave this lackluster post here today. As a sign that it's okay. It's okay to feel less than 100% today, it's okay, you did it anyways! It's not the best, it's not perfect, but it's DONE.

And that's all that matters.

Goodnight :)

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