What Does My Ideal Morning Look Like?

9:54 PM

Hello hello!

What does my ideal morning look like? Hehe, it'll go a little something like this:

Making my bed.

Getting breakfast.

Reading or writing some affirmations.

A good sweaty morning workout!

Followed by a shower and etc (definitely!)

A nice skin care routine and getting dressed for the day.

Finally, off to do daily work things.

That sums up what an ideal morning looks like for me. Does it happen usually? Yes, when I'm on work from home, it mostly happens in that order (with distractions of course!).

Some distraction include checking phone notifications and chats, opening games for guild events, lazing on the bed before rolling off, and waking up late HAHA. Sometimes after I'm done with the whole routine I have to go down for lunch, not work LOL.

I'm going to try to go back for field work next week onwards. So I'm not even sure how I'll be able to follow this ideal morning routine. I might just have to make my body get used to sleeping early and waking up early! I used to workout early in the mornings (like 7am!) just so I could shower and get ready for work at the usual hours.

If the reason is strong enough, appropriate action should follow right? lol

Knowing myself, I would probably choose extra sleep time in the mornings, and then rotate workouts back into the evening sessions. I find that healthier for my sleep schedule when I'm working. I'll find out how to adjust my ideal morning and evening routines next week hehe.

Take care!

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