#318 - Unlucky

2:35 PM

Allkpop announced the winners for this -> http://www.allkpop.com/2011/12/giveaway-a-ledapple-a-day-six-signed-cds-polaroids And I didn't see my username :( Sigh. Come to the think of it, I don't recall winning anything before. Except for the qm lucky draw. That was like.......... half the people got it ? Where's all my luck TWT Now crossing fingers to win the other giveaway. Their two signed albums and an autographed towel :D But I still want YoungJun's polaroid :(

To think I went through the trouble of making a me2day account and an allkpop account. gahhh. I still want that polaroid picture :( And it makes me feel like getting a polaroid camera !!! Seems that Koreans use it alot O.O I'm catching on to the infection D:

KPOP is going global allright 8D hehehehhe.

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