#301 - Where MMMM meets AHHH

3:10 PM

Hi there :) I finally passed the 300 blogposts mark ! HEHEH. Anyways, I'm very bored now. I took some pictures from last night's dinner ! :D Can't help it ! Too bored. Besides, my blog always seems to have random stuffs. So why not blog about dinner ?

I miss my hair from yesterday ! LOL hahahaha. I got bored with the scissors this morning and practically snipped of part of my fringe. It's much shorter now, but it's about the same style. Sigh. Regrets..... regrets....

Oh ! Subang Parade's Christmas decorations ! HAHA. When I first saw this spinning ballerina, I thought it was a man in a tutu ! LOL. I'm not joking ! But it keeps spinning, I had to wait for it to turn and face my phone camera before I could take a picture :O

And what is Christmas without a Christmas tree ?

Before deciding to eat McDonald's , I actually wanted to eat cheese macaroni at Kenny Rogers. But because my mum wanted to eat the chicken, and they were just starting to roast the chicken, we had to wait an hour before eating. Then we tried going to Sushi King as suggested by my sister, but it was a FULL HOUSE. No place to sit :( Then we went to the Market Place, but then again, nothing appetizing to eat :( So we went to McDonald's HAHA

The Prosperity Burger is back ! :D HEHEHEHEH

Thank goodness I can eat almost everything :P BEEF :D

Couldn't wait to eat it at that time :) Staring at this picture makes me wanna go eat again :O

And they now have curly fries ! Not bad actually :D

This is where my blogpost title came from :D It's McFizz :D i think. :P

HEHEH. My mum :)

And yourstruly :) I still miss my hair. Sigh. Now I have to wait for it to grow again :O Why do i always cut my hair when I hold scissors ? :(( Sigh. Stupid habit. Now my hair has to pay for that D:

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