

5:07 PM

Okay. I really liked the pictures I took that day so I'm posting them at my blog again ! Haha. I'm sorry if you feel bored, coming here to see pictures that I've already uploaded to my facebook album :) I just wanted to see these beautiful pictures on my blog as well. I couldn't resist the temptation !!

We actually took alot of jump shots !! But must of them were failures. Hehehe. I should put up another post specially for the weird and retarded pictures. I laugh whenever I go through those pictures in my camera, but I'll probably be embarassing myself, my sister, and my cousin. HAHAHAHA. Hmmmmm... Maybe I'll keep them to myself after all !!

Every time I go to a playground I feel sad that I'm not the size to be able to enjoy the fun it has to offer !! I'm too big T.T and I reach the end of the slide reallly fast. And the monkey bars too !! Whenever I swing, my butt hits the pole I started from LOL. Happened to my sister as well HAHAHAHA. Imagine if there was a playground for teenagers and adults. WOOTS. But those are probably called theme parks right now :/

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