
#509 - SPM Results

6:15 PM

To be honest, I think receiving my exam results were more nerve wrecking than receiving my SPM results. I could sleep well last night without overthinking things. Unlike my friends who couldn't sleep a wink last night, or tried to keep themselves awake so that they wouldn't dream of their results. I wouldn't say that I was completely calm, I was slightly nervous as well.

I'm really thankful for these results :) I was already expecting straight A's, but I just didn't know which sort of A I'll get. Thank you to all my family members, relatives, friends, and teachers !!!! I still remember the times when I would give up on studying certain subjects like Add Maths and Biology because I couldn't keep up or because I lost interest in it. I'm really grateful to my teachers and friends for always giving me that extra little push I needed to move forward. Don't believe me ? I had marks near failure before in those subjects. Not a great feeling. 

7A+, 2A and 1A-  :) I can't say more but I'm reallly really happy !! I'm not the kind of person who would express myself by screaming or shouting out of joy, and neither am I the type to cry tears of happiness, but I'm really satisfied with my results :) Thanks for all the congratulatory messages, calls and posts ! I really appreciate them !!! :D Though I think my mum is more happy than I am !! :D

Also, congratulations to everyone else !! :) Post-SPM Results celebration post coming up next :)

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7 lovebites

  1. Congracts again ! I really regret for not studying hard enough.

    1. thanks !! :) you can always improve yourself ^^

  2. I owe you a 'belated Congrats'. So, Congratulations on your awesome results ^^ And yesss, We are proud of you :D
