
#515 - Lunafly Press Conference

12:56 PM

On the 29th March 2013, Lunafly touched down in KL and rushed for their scheduled press conference at Overtime, Sunway Pyramid. The fans and I have been waiting for a really long time before they showed up. I even managed to have lunch there !! Hehe.

The stage set up
Cai Yin's board !!
They were late due to the Friday traffic. However, we had a short live call from them to apologize for them being late, with Sam doing most of the talking. It was hard to make out what he said, but we understood anyways. Our bond with Lunafly 

When they finally arrived, the fans roared and screamed for them, shouting names of the members. Amidst all of that, the media and fans with cameras started clicking away. I was with the group that started taking pictures and videos. HAHAHA. Oops. I was at the front with Cai Yin !! We were so close !! Don't kill me if I say this, just my two cents, but Yun looks better in real life, and Teo looks better in pictures and videos. Sam looks the same :D I wonder if this is different for others ??

This picture is really blurry but it's the only one I have with Yun looking towards my camera !! (well, sort of) Most of my pictures were really blurry. Thankfully I took some videos, so I was able to salvage some screenshots as well !!

Below are the snapshots I took from my videos. I think I won't be uploading the videos I took from the press conference. I DID compile them but.... I have second thoughts after I watched it myself. And I'm sorry the snapshots lack quality... 720p in recording is nice when viewed as a video... or maybe I'm just bad with snapshots ? hahaha

There was also a short Q&A session, about 3 questions ?? The questions asked were ones that I think most Lukies would already know the answer to, except one I guess. "Describe Malaysia in one word". Yun said "Cinta", Sam said "Beautiful", and Teo was the only one to answer in Korean, which in English meant CUTE. Hahaha! It was a really brief moment as they had to leave for yet another schedule at Sri Pentas. It was a really great atmosphere at Overtime, and I met some new friends as well :) 

I'll update about their fanmeeting at Publika in the next post. Stay tuned !!

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