
#504 - Knocking on the Mind

8:07 PM

I like the view of the city at night. All the pretty bright lights lighting up the entire area ~ And because of my horrible eyesight, everytime I take off my glasses to look at the magnificent view, all the specks of light look like mini fireworks to me. No kidding. Well, that's me.

As I said in my previous blogpost, here's my song cover of Knocking on the Mind!! I did this on a whim and didn't give it much thought. Neither did I bother spending time to make it sound good or to make it "perfect". I just had fun XD I think I sound fine with headphones on but through the speakers I think I sound really weird. Haha. Do let me know what you think about it !! And do forgive my mistakes :P

Oh, Happy White Day !! I'm so sad that I missed Lunafly's Ustream !! But I got to spend the day with Naitoryuu (Jia Yi) !! Hahaha. Because of the way we met, I think it's natural that I call her Naito and she calls me Vivi. Weeeheee ! I'll blog about my outing with her on the next post :) *no voice at the moment*

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