
#507 - Still Kids

12:19 PM

Looking at polaroids make me feel like getting one for myself ! The only polaroids I do own are the ones I took last year during my school carnival. Hehe.

We watched Warm Bodies !! :) Oh well. Probably the only movie where people are happy that someone is bleeding from being shot in the chest. He even says "I'm ALIVE!". When he could actually be dying. Logical ? Nahh. Movies never were. Or maybe just some of them. Oh, and the cinema was cold for once.

With Sam & Yvonne :)

We didn't know what to do after the movie. Hahaha. And somehow ended up spending the last hour at Toys R Us. I bet we were the most noisy kids in the store. HEHEHE. Kids these days..... have so many toys to play with :/ The only toys I remember seeing were Barbie and Hotwheels. LOL.

Ohhh , and I'm not done yet ! This is a video Yvonne took while we were at Toys'R Us. Watch and laugh :) And please watch it in 720pHD!!

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