
#391 - Sch Mag Shoot

8:57 PM

Sorry being such a lazy blogger lately. Currently having some rough plans for future blogging ideas. Or something like that. I just want to change my style of blogging. And by the way, sidang redaksi is having the school magazine photoshoot from 3-5th April and 9th april. Sigh. It's only been one day and the stress level is halfway up. Destressing is another thing. I can't do starjumps because my legs are pain from the photoshoot :(

And if you can't see what I wrote on the card , it's "I (heart) LED Apple ! Seo Young Jun <3 - nuttyvivi <3" Well yeah . I LOVE YOU SEO YOUNG JUN !!! I love the other led apple members too, but well, there's just something about youngjun :P hehehehhee.

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