
#394 - Just Do It

2:07 PM

Remaja Scouts did the Lencana Jaya Diri today :)  And then played some chicken fighting game. LOL ! Korean variety show games can be pretty fun :P HEHEHE. So ganas weyh.

LEO ! We painted eggs for Easter today :) Made it related to the environment though :D HEHEHE. Some of them cracked before I took them home. Not my fault !! LOL. Some of the eggs are already became fried/boiled/omelette, and they're gonna be my dinner 8D

For more pictures >>> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.333847950005061.74323.100001395765007&type=3

Bryan's egg. He asked for his egg pictures before I ate it LOL. I have no idea if it's still there... I should go check :P

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