
#402 - Interhouse Games

1:10 PM

Seik Yng and I crashed into each other. HAHA. Okay sorry it's not funny. My upper gum was bleeding and I bit off part of the skin in my lower lip. Seik Yng claimed I bit her, but I think it was just my upper teeth banging her cheekbone TT Sorry ! I should be more careful, or maybe WE should be more careful.

Either way , I was happy because Green House won both the games ! There's still two games left :) Hopefully we'll come out on top ^^ That was basketball ! Handball is going great too ! We won both games yesterday and there's netball today... which I don't think I'll be going for TT

And by the way, have you checked out http://nut-diary.blogspot.com ? If you havent please do :)

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