
#396 - BooYeaH !!

11:03 PM

Click the link http://www.gurupop.net/event/promotion.gre.php?event=9&code=67757275706f7032323237 for me please !!! share it out too :D I'm currently at rank 8. just 3 ranks away from the top 5 TT 6000+ clicks away from 1st place. Currently fighting with whoever is at rank 9. We keep overtaking each other oTL.  And I'm very sorry for the twitter spam. I'm making a new one soon. Or maybe now. We'll see. AHAHAHAHAHA.

I'm very sorry. Having not taken proper selcas in a long while made me like this HAHAHHAHAHA I'M GOING CRAZY. I keep spamming fb and twitter and random blogs and wthomgbbqgdi i have no idea what I'm updating right now. Sorry for the meaningless posts TT

Maybe I'll start on more meaningful ones... Once I get myself together.

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