
#398 - Sleepless Day.

3:06 PM

Hello world !! I am very sorry for not updating as often as I used to. Instead of listing down every single excuse I have, let me just share with you what I did on Saturday :) Or yesterday, if that's how you want to call it. But please click this link for me if you havent !! http://www.gurupop.net/event/9/67757275706f7032323237 I dropped to rank #8 TT Only 10 more days until the competition ends. I'm so near yet so far....

I went to Campho's Studio at Ampang Waterfront and learnt alot of things.
1. I get car sick easily.
2. Black stairs are scary.
3. Magazines are hard to deal with
4. Read for more.

Played chess with Jasmine !! It's been so long since I last played it :) And I won :P kekeke. Ate up every single last one of Jasmine's chess pieces. Sorry for being mean TT I am a very competitive person... Except in studies in my class. I just don't feel the competition even though I'm not at the top. This doesnt make sense. We played cards too :) And there was a guitar so Jasmine and I played it too. And then teacher said we "pandai layan diri". True. There wasnt anything else to do while waiting for the program to be installed TT

Oh oh and the sugar glider !! It's so cute !!!!

PS : Campho Studio is very dark @.@ It's all black and red and white ~ Going up and down the staircase was scary... I couldn't tell if I was stepping on stairs or not. Why must it be all black ? and PSS: Thank you Pn Suraya for the lunch !! :)

So.... after coming  back, took a bus home and changed bags for tuition.

And then I rushed again to go out with my sister and my father :) It's been awhile. I was really looking forward to it !! I used the Subway vouchers that was in the Star Newspaper on Friday for dinner ~ So we ate four 6-inch sandwiches HEHEHEHE. And we watched a movie - Wrath of the Titans ! We wanted to watch the Hunger Games but by the time we were halfway through the line, only 1 seat was left TT Second option ? Battlefield !! But only the front row was left so we gave that one up too. Ended up with Wrath of the Titans.

It's not that bad. But maybe because I read too many Percy Jackson books I could already tell what was going to happen in the movie. Watching that movie from the second last row was a pain to my neck. Thank goodness it was only a 1hour++ movie. If it was the usual 2hour+ movie I'd be dead. I'm really looking forward to the next outing with my dad :) It's not everyday I get to see him now.

Really tired. I shall just go to sleep now. Cuddles is sleeping anyway. HEHEHEHE. Screw homework. I'll do it later I guess. TT

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