
#395 - Don't Read

7:48 PM

I keep checking up on this blogshop http://www.facebook.com/pages/QT-Fashion/396708080340742 ever since leiyang posted the link on her twitter. It's her friend's :) And the price is really cheap and affordable too ! I have no idea why I keep browsing nonstop TT I should just take out my affin bank money and splurge.

Or maybe wait for Yvonne to go shopping with me ~ Either way, I want to go shopping HEHEHEHHE. All I want now is money ~ And if you havent help me click this link >>> http://www.gurupop.net/event/promotion.gre.php?event=9&code=67757275706f7032323237 please do ? :) It really means alot to me !!

I haven't even decided what to wear for leo forum TT Fellowship night's theme is Retro-Futurism , and the Banquet Night's theme will be announced soon ........ I'm dead TT

Bags ~ Now that I think of it, I always use the same bag when I go out .______. It's getting old and dirty. I should just treat myself to a new one TT And maybe my mum too ~ She needs another bag.

Ahhh I need skirts in my closet TT I keep buying shorts or shirts. But........

This dress is just screaming at me to buy it. Only thing is, am I too short for it ? TT It's times like these I wish I grew just a little bit more taller ~

And I went through another blogshop just now ~ http://www.facebook.com/Tiara.Ooi
Guess what I found ? Might not be to your liking but........

TopShip inspired velvet dress @.@ I have a very strong feeling to get this for the leo forum *~* But I'm wondering if it'll be worth my RM40. And I can't decide which colour goes better with my skin. LIFE MAKING DECISIONS. HAHAHAHA. Yiyi are you reading this ?

LOL ~ Meaningless post. I just needed to do something ~ And blogging seemed like a really good option. 3 posts in a day. Something is wrong with me ~~~

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1 lovebites

  1. 3 post in a day ? You got so many ideas ? I am still thinking on what to write. One more thing, you are pretty in what clothes you wear. We have to let people admire the beauty in your heart but not the external beauty. Not everyone will judge the book by it's cover
