

11:25 PM

What makes people act the way they do ? There are plenty of factors that affect our thoughts and actions it's like looking at the endless sea without knowing how many drops of water made it up. Not that I ever thought of that before though. It just came to my mind while trying to make up a comparison. People like to compare don't they ? And mind you, it sucks to be compared to another person. It doesn't matter whether you're better or worse, comparing the sun to the moon isn't going to make your life better.

Well now, that wasn't what I wanted to blog about. In fact, I forgot what I initially wanted to blog about and I've been staring at the screen for the past 10 minutes. I guess I'll call it a day right now. I've gotten so used to sleeping past midnight over the past few months, but since I'll be going back to school in a few weeks, it's time to sleep early and get used to waking up early again !!

Goodnight :)

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