
#522 - Sleeping...

2:14 PM

I was staring at my computer screen pondering for interesting topics to blog about.... and then I asked my sister. She told me to blog about Cuddles's sleeping portfolio !! There aren't that many pictures of her sleeping but.... I'll try my best !! It took me a whole day just to clear up pictures, delete blurry ones, and choose some nice ones for this blogpost !! You might have seen some of them before if you have been reading my blog for a long time ^^;

Cuddles at about 4 months old !! This was when she was sleeping in her cage. She sleeps very much like a person doesn't she ? *stretch ~~~*

Even until today, she still sleeps like that. On a bed, on the floor, on the chair.... anywhere and everywhere !!

And there are times when she just wants to hog the whole bed. I measured her before !! HEHE. Want to take a guess at how long she is fully stretched out ?? LOL.

Do not disturb me, you human !! And do not take my precious biting toy away from me !! ;AAA;

We got that toy from out trip to China a few years back. Cuddles just bites it and drags it all over the house until she gets bored. And she gets bored really fast.

This picture was taken recently..... We left her for awhie and she just turned the blanket into her sleeping place !! Hehe. We found it reallly cute of her.... until mom came back to see her blanket in that state.....

And it's still as hard as ever to get her to take a picture with me.... T__________T

I have more pictures of her sleeping .... but I think I'll just keep them for viewing when she grows older hehehe. This post was more like time travelling back to Cuddles's puppy days ~~~ A fun one indeed !! And when I compared her sleeping now and then....... she's the same sleepy dog. Hehe. She still sleeps that same way... :)

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