
#517 - Lunafly's Showcase

7:38 PM

I'll let you know in advance that this is a really long post. I was even considering about breaking it into two parts. But if I do that, this whole week's update will only be on Lunafly !! Haha. I'm sure my readers won't want Lunafly updates for the whole week even though I woudn't mind in doing so. This will be the last of the Lunafly updates for now ~ Yupp. Just for now :P

Time to start the post !! We reached the venue, Taylors' Lakeside University, around 2PM and started queing up outside the hall with the other Lukies!! We then spent the rest of the day finishing letters, chatting, listening to Lunafly's songs, etc. Here's a polaroid we took !! We later passed it to Lunafly themselves ! hehehe. I hope they remember us !!

The polaroid !! Spot me !! :D

Cai Yin's surprise fanevent !! :D

MyLunafly prepared this as well !! Really pretty but the glitter came off easily.

Yin and I also asked the crew whether we could have a look at the hall. He opened the door for us and led us in, but barely after a few steps we were told to go out oTL. Yin also handed out her fanevent papers. She planned that as a surprise event for Lunafly during the showcase. It was a beautiful sight when we turned our heads around to see everyone holding up the papers. Nice (Y) Follow Yin's fanbase @Lunafly_ !! :)

I was the first person to enter the hall, and rushed for the front most middle seat ! haha ! Middle seat so I can see Teo !! :D They started the Pre-show Meet and Greet with Pricetag ! :D I'm too lazy to upload the fancam. My internet is really slow when it comes to uploading videos :( I have to wait the whole day !! And by the way, it's the only fancam I took that night. My camera battery died when I tried to record another video T_________T

After the song, they came down and stood infront of us !! SO CLOSE. My row was the first to greet them, so we didn't really know what to do. I asked for a hug and also asked to touch their hair. SO MUCH HAIRSPRAY. WHY ?? T_____T Then right after we sat down, everyone else took selcas with them. We were like... LET US GO AGAIN TO TAKE SELCAS !!! But no, we weren't allowed to :( *cries*

This is how Yun takes pictures. LOL.

Teo kept making this face at the cameras !! Always.

Yun !! :D

Sam !! XD

This happened more than once. Haha !! Teo :P

During the first half of the performance, Yun and Sam kept looking towards us !! By us, I meant the middle front row ! All of us came really early and started the premium pass line to get into the hall first XD hahaha. It was really nice to make friends with them :) Sorry for being so quiet. I don't really talk much when I first meet people :/ Oh, and it was great to make eye contact with Yun and Sam so many times that night !! :D Hehe. It was hard to get eye contact with Teo... he kept closing his eyes or looked straight.

They performed a total of 18 songs ranging from their own songs, to the numerous covers and even singing tracks from their new album !! Yes, I believe Indonesian and Malaysian Lukies managed to hear the song before its' official release :) I still remember Sam asking us not to be lazy and to stand up ! haha. Oh, and my favourite performance from that night was Teo's solo cover of Shontelle's Impossible. Sam translated that Teo was considering whether he should perform this song or not, because he tends to get emotional singing it. *sobs* 

I held up this page of my sketchbook and showed Teo, and guess what ??!! Teo winked at me !! Twice !! Or was it three times ?? He even flipped his hair to the side to show me again XD *screams* HAIR FLIP + WINKS. Before showing him this page, I actually scribbled "IU" and showed it to Teo as well ! He acknowledge it with a nod and a smile AND I finally had eye contact with him !! HEHEHEHHE. After that I forgave him for not looking at me during the Publika high5 session lol.

Oh, and during the medley, Teo sat down on the chair next to mine !! WOOTS. SO CLOSE. But the second he sat down the security were around us, ready to push us away if anything happened. And all the surrouding cameras popped out of nowhere @.@  OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I freaked out when he came so close !! And then he got  up, and my friend sat down happily on the chair XD hahaha !! ♥ 

During the QandA session, a fan asked Sam what english words or phrases he would teach Yun and Teo. He said that he had tried so many times to teach them, but they can't remember. Teo tried to cover up for himself, as always. Hahaha. And Yun .... said a line from a song. LOL !!  The next two questions had Lunafly doing the Gwiyomi player again ! Hahaha. It was so amusing !! Teo made sure to slow down the chant and stopped at the right moments for taking pictures XD When the question was first mentioned, Sam was mouthing OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG over and over again !! Hehehe.

Oh, and during the autograph and post event solo pictures session, I wanted to get them to sign my guitar picks T____T Sam was going to sign it, but the staff stopped him from doing so -.- So all of them signed my sketchbook instead. I almost slipped when taking the picture, plus, I couldn't find the camera till like.... 0.5 seconds before the shutter clicked. Hahaha. In the end, I gave Sam one of my blue guitar picks, because he likes blue !! Oh, and does anyone realise how wrong Teo's fingers look like ? Ahh and thank you Lunafly for bending down to match my height T__________T

This event was organized by M.E.Malaysia and presented by Chargers Outfitters !! All also to all the media partners and venue providers and those who helped made this event possible, I just wanna say thank you so much for bringing Lunafly to Malaysia !! I hope you'll bring them again in the future !! :D

I'm finally done with my Lunafly posts !! Hope you enjoyed reading them. Hahaha.

Cai Yin and I :)

Lunafly's signature on my sketchbook !! :)


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