

2:46 PM

Hello !! Are you glad that today's update is not about Lunafly ? Hehe. To be honest, I'm actually working on a song cover right now !! Can you guess which song it is ? CLUE : LUNAFLY. Hehe. I hope I'll be able to complete it soon, and then I can share it with you guys !! (Though I'm not so sure if you're fond of listening to my covers.... oh wait.. do you even listen to them ??)

Sometimes I wonder what other people do at home all day. Play games ? Read books ? Just surf the internet ? Watch television ? Sms and call your friends ? Well, I have no idea. I seem to be doing the same thing everyday that I'm getting really restless and bored. Sometimes I wonder what I should do with all this free time... I'm just wasting it everyday. Most people tell me to find a job to earn money, but no matter where I apply they never call back. Sigh. 

Career wise, I've decided to go for form 6 !! Is anyone else gonna be going for it too ? I know a few of my friends who have the same decision, and right now we're all just waiting for the letters to arrive. I actually don't fancy the idea of going to yet another government school for further education, but when college fees are too high for you, there's just no other choice.

PTPTN loans ? Scholarships ? Yeah, I know what you mean. I had that talk from my aunt for a whole month asking me to apply. She thinks that they're "FREE" and that you don't have to pay them back... IF ONLY THAT WERE TRUE. But form 6 here I come !! Hmmmm maybe I'll do some revision by reading my sister's books @.@  But I don't want to leave my game hanging either asdkjchasdnasdhasjdhas !!!

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4 lovebites

  1. You don't have to pay back if you get your degree with honours. Anyway your result is too good to get a scholarship. You didn't give it a try ?

    1. And what if I don't ?? I'll be stuck in a pool of student debt for a long time. I'll pass on it this time and try again after STPM :)

  2. Anyway, all the best in the sixth form. I know you can do it.

    1. thank you :) all the best to you too at college !
