
#520 - Hope

11:50 AM

Everyone hopes for something, and also for a reason.

Sorry for posting old pictures :( I just didn't want to leave this post pictureless !! But once in awhile it's nice to just browse through old photo albums and point at yourself saying "I was so small !!" or "I was so cute!! ", and reliving your childhood for a few moments. For me, I'd prefer looking at pictures I took whenever I went to different places thinking "I want to see that view again" or "There's so many other things to see in the world". Hmmmmm... I wonder if I'll be able to travel again this year ??

Here's my cover of LEDApple's HOPE. It's one of my all time favourites by LEDApple !! One reason is because it was one of their debut songs. I wonder if they'll remake the song with Kyumin and Hanbyul's vocals ? They sang it on radio before, and even did a 6 member version on it when LEDApple were filming LEDApple Ent Dan with Keonu ! Gosh I miss him :(

There a few mistakes, since I recorded it right after I finished scribbling the scores. (Yes, scribble. Even you if you saw the sheet you probably won't understand, LOL) This is only a short cover though, I hope you like it and let me know what you think !! I also hope that someday I'll be able to meet LEDApple and listen to their music live HERE in MALAYSIA!! :D I'm sure every LEDA in Malaysia are hoping for the same thing!!

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