
#524 - Hari Kecemerlangan

3:15 PM

Group picture ! Some of them left already though...
I attended my school's Hari Kecemerlangan yesterday morning.....and I was a little bit late. I really hate being late. And I hate it even more if someone makes me late. But I can't help it if my mom reaches home at 7.45 in the morning oTL That was the time I was supposed to be at school.  And then the sole of my shoe spoiled when I got off the car LOL. Thank goodness for the spare shoes my mom keeps in the car, even though it was 2 sizes bigger. And do you know how awkward it was to walk into school when everyone was getting ready to sing Negaraku ?

I really have to admit this. I miss school. Teachers, friends, .. everything. Even the long speeches !! Haha. It's been a really long time since I listened to one, so I ended up listening to all the speeches that day. Even if the grammar or pronounciation was really funny that I had to hold back from laughing out loud, I listened anyways. As usual, there were many students receiving their prestigious awards and their ever proud looking parents watching and taking pictures of them. I got so caught up I totally forgot to take pictures !! Haha. Sorry for the lack of pictures :) I'm sure there were others who took plenty of them !!

Trophy + Certificate + RM100 ! :)

Congratulations to everyone who received awards on that day !! It doesn't matter if you received one or you received a whole tray of it, be proud of your own achievements !! :) 

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