
#516 - Lunafly's Fanmeeting at Publika

12:39 PM

Lunafly had a free public fanmeeting at Publika Shopping Gallery !! :) My friends and I were there since early evening, and we managed to secure our places at the front !! And we wouldn't settle for anywhere else except the front anyways :P

I finally collected my premium pass and high5 pass !! I forgot to ask for my change though, oh well. Cai Yin was going to give her extra high5 pass to me, but since I won one from Kavenyou, she gave her pass away as an event for her fanbase ! :D Follow it at @Lunafly_

The event started off with Lunafly singing Superhero !! Here's my fancam, but be warned !! It's full of fans screaming and singing along ! And that's what we fangirls do best, lol. Please watch it in HD !! :)

After that, we had the games session. The first game was called "5 words". The fans will have to make a request to Lunafly using five words. The fans were chosen by lucky draw, depending on the pass number. My number 2031 !! But the numbers I heard were 2013, 2013 and 2013 over and over again !! It's like they keep pulling out that number but the person doesn't show up D: Whyyyyyyyy.

Two of the requests involved aegyo. LOL. One fan asked them to do the gwiyomi player, and another fan asked Yun to show her aegyo !! There was a fan who asked them to sing a song for her, and a fan who asked them to eat dinner with her. Sadly, they couldn't have dinner together so she opted for pictures. Fancams below ~ ENJOY :D Haha.

The second game was charades. The fans that played in this round won some Lunafly autographed merchandise as well !! And they called 2013 again T_____________T Why now 2031 ?? Did you read it wrong ? D:

There was a word that Sam couldn't guess at all during the game. And that word was............ ULTRAMAN !! Hehe. Yup. You read that right. Ultraman. The fans knew what it was. We even shouted it for him but he couldn't catch it. Oh wells. Not everyone watches Ultraman. And the next day during the showcase, a fan brought a mini Ultraman toy to the showcase !! Sam saw it and admitted that after the fanmeeting, he looked Ultraman up !! Hehe.

During charades, Yun helped a fan to carry her bag :) Such a gentleman !! Hehe.

Teo trying to disturb Yun !! :P

They ended the fanmeeting with "You Got That Something I Need" and the high5 session !!! I was really looking forward to this but I was a little disappointed. Teo didn't look at me when he high5-ed me :( He was looking behind me oTL I want to cry !! *overreacting cuz he's my bias*  But seriously, I was really sad at that moment.


Next post ? Lunafly's showcase !! :D 

and by the way, I need your help !! Please help me LIKE my picture here :) I want the signed folder !! :D LIKE MY PIC HERE :D  

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