
#420 - Refining Hope

3:25 PM

Hello dear readers :) It's been awhile since I've had the mood to blog, and before this gets too outdated, I'll blog about it ! Life has been hectic lately. I've been too laidback,. It's time to get my gears running before I'm late for everything !!

Joke of the day ! :)
Last Saturday , 14th July was the last scout meeting of the year. It kinda pained me when it was also the day to pass down our posts to the following year's Court of Honour. I've been a part of the Court of Honour since I was in Form 2. The amount of people halved since then, but whatever it is, I guess it was worth it to stay.

This was also the one of the meetings where our scouters came ! And there were three of them ! Sir Yu Liang, Sir Kah Sern and Sir Chee Heng. It's been awhile since that many scouters came :) Thanks for coming even though it's a busy time for you guys :) Maybe I'll come back to help 132PJ next year... but all that depends. I haven't really gone that far as a scout.

Sleepy eyes *-*
The weather was terribly hot! Even after I went home and took a bath, I sweat immediately -_______- It's like, what's the point of taking bath ? Natalie and I took a bus to Subang since our mum was busy. We decided to take the Metrobus #13. I've never sat on that bus before, and believe me, I thought we were going to be late ! I despise being late.

However, despite worrying over our arrival time, the bus driver and bus conductor were really friendly and funny :) They were nice to talk to half the journey. That is, until we found place to sit. The bus was so packed ! The driver kept horning at random cars LOL. As expected of Malaysian drivers. He even sped up just to beat the traffic light ! Gosh.

I like pictures like these :)
Catholic High School !! Their campfire theme this year is "Refining Hope". They even had a flying fox gadget at the entrance !! Super cool :) I salute them for being able to build it :) Maybe 132PJ can make one on Hari Koko. *as if* With the amount of active scouts decreasing and the scouting spirit dying off, it's only a matter of time. I hope something will inspire and motivate the scouts soon.

With Yvonne :)
I spent most of campfire with Jason though. He's my buddy :D HEHE. Mother and son time. LOL. Now that sounds really awkward. It was great to see JUTU members again. It's been awhile, and it might be the last time this year... since most of us have SPM or PMR. Lucky Form 4s .___.

What is a campfire without fire ? The fire lighting ceremony was cool, although at the beginning there might have been too much flame. Bomba had to put it out just a little with the fire extinguisher. The emcees definitely had a flashing entrance. And oh, sorry about the last blurry picture above. The fire was green for the first few minutes, and the only green I got from my shaky phone camera was the smoke. /fail/

The performances were mostly great :) For once I didn't feel like complaining about campfire performanes. HEHE. Good job CHS ! :) The food, on the other hand..... wasn't really appetizing. I made the bread my breakfast the next day LOL. I wish there were more games ( since there was only one ) or maybe more lively performances instead of bands and singing and instruments. Although I did love the violin and piano duet.

I wore this around the whole night :) Thanks Jason ! We used it and another wogel to trade for the Phillipine wogel ! It was worth it. Although, it looks better as a ring than as a wogel. HEHEHE.

CHS was also selling wogels :) Jason gave me the top most wogel !! :D Thank you again ! HEHEHE. Have I blogged enough this time ? Or did you just scroll down and ignore all my words ? Oh well. It's all up to you.

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8 lovebites

  1. Lol hahahaha never include me in the blog also :3

  2. who ask you to comment under anonymous? hahaha. i was half asleep writing this zzz

  3. bet you cant guess who i am hehe :3

  4. as if it's so hard to guess. LOL. hi edwin :D

  5. LOL you knew after i texted you lah haha :D

  6. i knew earlier when you commented but i wasnt logged in to reply LOL

  7. oh yes ah? haha i should congratulate you but im not gonna :P

  8. up to youuuuuu :D its the truth LOL
