
#534 - Le Cirque

8:50 PM

Woots ! I'm finally back to blog !! Sorry for not updating frequently :( I've been so busy with school work and assignments I couldn't find time to blog so I'm blogging now before I get busy again. Yupp. Busy week ahead. Performance practices, homework, presentations, revisions and more. *takes a deep breathe* Let's start !!

Weekends. They were supposed to be my break from the hectic week that every student goes through..... Unless they skipped school of course. That wouldn't be fair !! I grew up my whole life forcing myself to go to school even if I'm sick and yet there are people who skip school because they "don't feel like it". I don't know what to make of it actually. Sometimes I'd be angry and at other times I'm like "Meh".

So this weekend has been a busy one ! On Saturday there was CFN ! Or campfire night, as they call it. It was my first time attending Seafield's Campfire because they never invited other troops before. This time, however, they invited U8, SAS and Catholic. HAHAH. And because of that I got to meet up with some JUTU members :) It's been a long time since I last saw their faces :) Brings back the jamboree memories !! Speaking of which, I forgot to take pictures with them again sigh. 

From left ; Seik Yng, YoursTruly, Yvonne, Chia Yan

I'm still wondering if it was worth RM25. I heard from a few people that it was more expensive compared to the previous year's CFN. The only part that attracted me was the fire performance. They were spectacular and I believe that they put in alot of effort for that. The other performances were great as well :) They kept me entertained for the rest of the night, but none of them really stood out like a sore thumb. I guess I just wasn't hyped enough. None of the campfires I went to were as hyped up as Kelana Jaya's in 2008, and Yvonne agress with me ! Oh well. The food was kinda okay I guess. The rice was really hard and the vege tasted like the kind they use to make Asam Laksa. Not to mention the syrup was very diluted. It's just my personal opinion though. You probably have your own.

Failed group pictures HAHAHAH. Last picture from left : Yvovnne, Me, Seik Yng, Yan, Carol :)

Tell me why my fringe always becomes so ugly when I leave the house :|

My fringe is poking my eyes (*-*)


I wish a day had more than 24 hours. 

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