
#425 - Smile awayyyy ~

6:02 PM

It's actually a peace sign, but the curtain blocked it ! HEHE
I just felt like updating my blog today. I'm also about to spurt a fountain of randomness, probably with lots of english errors along the way. It's becoming really hazy again. I hate hazy days. I feel more 'blind' than I already am. It's bad enough I have to wear spectacles to see better, but with the haze around, I can't see that much at all. I wish it would rain cats and dogs already.

And oh, Mnet's Star Mission is really tempting ! I didn't participate in any of it the past few times but now I feel like participating in it. Should I ? It's ending on the 3rd August. Hmmmmmm no harming joining right ? HEHEHE. And there's alot of auditions coming up. I told this to Yvonne and she asked me if I really want to become a singer. Truth is, I don't even know ! I just want to have the experience :)) Or so I say.

My vampire tooth !!! I have it on the other side too !! HEHE
But I won't do anything to change it ! You want to know why ? It's because when I was in primary school the dentist had to do something to my teeth. And whatever it is, having bleeding teeth and gums after that wasn't nice was it ? HELLO THERE DENTIST. ARE YOU SURE YOU DID WHATEVER IT IS YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO RIGHT ? Heck. I don't really like dentists :(

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2 lovebites

  1. Anyway I like ur vampire tooth, but I am scared of your vampire tooth

  2. you're contradicting yourself. i think.
