#443 - BTS : Scout Dinner

8:52 PM

BTS means Behind the Scenes. That's all you need to know for this post. This is one of the most rushed events I've ever been part of. Have you seen the scout dinner promo video ? If you haven't, it's too late already ! The person who uploaded it made it private.

But just so you know, it was inspired by Boys Like Girls - Be Your Everything lyric video.

In the midst of recording
The following papers were actually supposed to be in the committee video. But because Yvonne recorded it in such a horrible angle, our video maker abolished the whole idea. We wasted a whole sketchbook !! Gosh. So those of you who attended the dinner, this is the actual reason behind that 36 second incomplete committee video you saw. But at least that video made you laugh right ? HAHAHA
I didn't post up all of the papers. Mine was scribbled all over and it looks so fugly I don't event want to take a picture of my paper. LOL !

That's mostly everything. Boring right ? Why did I even bother to attempt a BTS post ? Answer : Just to dump all the scout pictures here and clear them from the laptop. LOL HAHAHAHAH. Sorry TT And here's a short video !! One of the retarded ones that failed to make it into the scout promo video !! HAHAHA. Sorry Yvonne. It's the only one I'll reveal :P Don't kill me !!

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