
#392 - Here and There

9:26 PM

Someone should hire me as a random photographer snapping pictures here and there. Now I have something in common with YoungJun !! Randomly taking pictures LOL. HAHAHA. This doesnt not make sense at all.

Pictures are from random dog walks and scouts backwoods men :) Also, please help me click http://www.gurupop.net/event/promotion.gre.php?event=9&code=67757275706f7032323237 I might have tweeted to you, spammed your timeline or fb inbox you by now, but if I havent,........... please click :D hehehehe. Or I'm just getting to your name on my friend's list ~

PS : Currently working on a new style of blogging as stated in the previous post. But I'm so busy I'm not sure if I have the time. Do keep yourself updated =D Changes coming your way !!!

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