
#482 - Golden Disk Awards

4:12 PM

JUST LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT IT ! I'm getting more than enough kpop feels right now. There's so many performances I want to see !! And really do hope I get to be part of the audience at that moment ! All the dancing and singing and awards and idols ~~~ I can only imagine myself being there, but I won't know sure until I'm there right ?

I was checking my email last week when I saw that MSN was having a once in a lifetime opportunity giveaway contest to win GDA VIP tickets and BACKSTAGE passes ! I just submitted my entry, which I won't reveal until the contest is over !! And I'm posting this so you could have a shot at it too ! It ends tomorrow afternoon, at 1PM !! Do hurry !! Check out the details HERE . You can also check out the GDA Facebook page HERE

Here's a sneak peek at my entry ? Hehe. I doubt I'll win though. There's so many - hundreds or thousands of kpoppers in Malaysia and my chance of winning is like a small ray of light that's so hard to grasp whole of. Crossing my fingers to be lucky this time >.<

Look who's head is at the bottom ? keke. Cuddles came to photobomb every time I take a picture.
I painstakingly drew all of these by hand. There's more, but they didn't turn out as nice :(
My LEDApple autographed album ! First ever album I had too ! I still remember that feeling of holding my first album !!
 Check out my post on that album http://nat-xo.blogspot.com/2012/01/im-so-happy-i-got-my-ledapple-signed.html

And this album reminded me about the first ever time I attended a showcase ! NU'EST !! 
 For my post on the showcase (warning : fangirl state ) , click http://nat-xo.blogspot.com/2012/12/469-nuest-face-to-face-in-malaysia.html

This is a BAP matoki mask !! Guess who's it is ? kekeke. I made this for a contest which I lost last year. But I'm still keeping it. It's nice to be reminded how much I try to do things I want to achieve. It's a great feeling.
 Click http://nat-xo.blogspot.com/2012/07/422-matoki.html for a post on the matoki mask XD

Headbands I have ! VIP anyone ? And the pink was a Ren / Hyuna / Jiyeon inspired one :D Bought it because I saw them wearing it ! kekekeke.

I'll stop here. It'll ruin the final surprise. Although I think I already showed too much for now :D Sharing my kpop things ake me realize how little I have compared to others. But the amount of things you own DOES NOT show how much your love is for KPOP. That much I know. I still I have a chance to win this though !! I want to meet them all !! Infinite, Teen Top, BAP, Ailee, G-Dragon, Sistar, Secret, SHINee, ..... ALL. It's always times like these I wish I had alot of money to afford the tickets, and perhaps a little touch of luck to win contests like these.

Good luck to those participating !! (including me!) Hehe.

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