
#487 - Different

7:29 PM

Being different can be really awesome but not so awesome at the same time. Do you know what I mean ? Sometimes I try to NOT be different because back then, being different somehow excludes me from the world. I didn't like it, because I couldn't come to terms with alot of people on many differnt issues, and I couldn't find common ground with anyone. Therefore, I always had to remain quiet in discussions and such because my input would just bring silence to the group.

But now, I don't really mind. I feel like I've finally lifted a heavy boulder off my back ! I still get weird stares now and then but heck, I don't care anymore. It feels free to do what I want. Can't help it if I like being this way. Kekeke.

So hard just to get a flat tummy T______T But I want to get tummy abs too ! Sigh. Still a long way to go. Sometimes I just wish I was born with my sister's genes. Then I'll be taller and slimmer and fairer all at one shot. Pffffttt. Kidding ! I like the way I am now. Ahahahahahaha.

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