
#488 - DMTN

11:41 PM

Dalmation had me replaying their E.R music video when it first came out. I guess that was the first time I knew about Dalmation. Although I never bothered to update myself with them. I liked their State of Emergency album though ! And I heard that they're coming to Malaysia ? It's still a rumor I guess, but they're first overseas showcase will be in Singapore ! I envy you Singaporean Dalmates right now ._______.

Dalmation went through member changes before E.R., is now under a new agency, and changed their group name to DMTN !  It doesn't make a difference to me because DMTN is like.............. DMTN = DALMATION . But the meaning Daniel made behind it, - Desire, Motivation, Timing, Now - Gives it a new meaning :) And after watching their recent teasers, I can't wait to hear their new song :)

Check out their new official youtube channel here ! 2worksEnt 

I'll share some of my FAVOURITE screencaps :) Hehe. Two per teaser because I don't want to spam you. Can't wait til they drop the single on the 29th !

Daniel :) I miss seeing him on the Gurupop Show! :(

Inati :D Leader-nim ! 

Jeesu ! His expressions during the teaser were amusing :3

Simon ! If only he didn't have a pimple on his face T.T 

Youngwon ! He's now using his real name , Donglim ! keke. I'm happy that his hairstyle for the comeback is decent now. His hairstyle *coughs* in *coughs* E.R., wasn't to my liking -______- But he did catch my attention because of it. LOL.


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