
#483 - I Need You

2:57 PM

Words have power, agree ?

Which is stronger ? I NEED you, or I WANT you ? I'm sure you know which one is the answer. Lust and desire can cloud one's mind, and you tend to forget about your needs and chase after that which you see and want in your hands.

*coughs* Did that sound very riddle-like and confusing ? hahah ! I've been reading Eragon, Eldest, and as of right now, I'm reading Brisingr. It's a really nice book to read ! Fantasy novels always have their way with me. They enhance and test the limits of my imaginations. Sometimes I don't even know what the words mean but I'm too lazy to open a dictionary to fully grasp it's meaning ! 

Enough of that. Here's another vocal cover for you guys :) I did this a few days back, right before I did my piano cover of Sunggyu's Another Me. Hehehe.

I'm still raging on Infinite ! hehehe. And Infinite H just released their debut MV !! *spazz* 

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