
#485 - So Far Away

9:41 PM

To my dear friend who is now in Johor.. I MISS YOU !! :(
To my dear readers, sorry for not updating since last week ! I'm really sorry :( But please do look forward to much better posts this week ! *wink wink*

This is the 6th year of our friendship ! I'm really sad that you have to move so far away... it'll be hard to see you now. The next time I'll see you is when we collect our SPM results right ? *sobs* That's 2 months from now. Sigh. I still remember my first impression of you. "Why that girl always late to school one?" kekeke. Yeah, that was my first impression.

She gave me presents before leaving ! I feel so bad for not getting her anything :( Please wait darling, I'll get you one or make you one before you come back ! I'll take care of the monkey and watch kekeke.

sometimes I wish I had a cameraman following me everywhere so I could rewind to the times I want to review the most. kekeke. don't you ?

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3 lovebites

  1. She must be very touched after she read this !

  2. i really hate it when someone im close with moves far away, its so sad :(
    followed you xoxo
