
#489 - Raining Cats

11:24 PM

Yay I'm finally wearing my Harajuku dress ! It took me years to finally decide on which one to buy, and months before I actually wore it ! Haha ! Sad but true. I have plenty of clothes that I haven't worn at all due to the occasion. I never seem to be able to wear what I want because it'll be too 'OVER'. You get what I mean, right ? :)

I went to Sunway Pyramid with my sister today. I was supposed to meet up with Samantha and Bharath but it got canceled. I dropped by Sam's workplace to say HI though. 

P/S : You can follow her from the entrance halfway through the shop and she won't realize it ! :D HEHE SORRY SAM LOLOLOLOL :D I LOVE YOU !

If you look closer, my dress has lots of cats on it ! Cuddles, you won't be jealous right ? :D I tried imagining once, .... what if I wore Cuddles on my shirt ? HAHAHAHA. Imagine a Cuddles printed shirt ! Awwwwww  ;) Won't that be the cutest dog shirt her owner will ever have ? :D hehehe !

And I wish it'll stop raining in the evenings T_________T
And that the afternoons will stop being so hot......

Ahahahahaha. And DMTN's Safety Zone teaser 1 is out !! I've been waiting since the member teasers were out ~ Just a few more days before the full music video is unveiled !! I wish they'd stop with the teasers already T.T I'm starting to hate them, and I just want DMTN to make their comeback !!

Oh, and if you haven't already, please help me click this link right here ! CLICK ME :D
oh, and watching Pokemon is a great way to relive the younger days. haha. Pokemon is still awesome :D

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