
#404 - Once Again...

12:09 PM

Is everyone studying ? I am :) Maybe not now, since I'm blogging, but I am !! However, doing accounts folio, add maths folio, studies and revision at the same time isn't really a good idea. Not to forget, all the Leo forms that need to be submitted by this week ! (x.x) Someone help me ! I don't think I can cope with this for long. Can you ?

It somehow doesnt feel like it's the exam month. I am still not feeling the pressure. Maybe I will in a few days, since BM and English doesnt bother me much. Not that I score high for these two but yeah, they dont need a computer brain to answer the questions unlike sejarah or bio and so on ~

My life would be slightly more fun if I could bring Cuddles everywhere I study :P KIDDING ! She can fit into my bag, but I'm not taking her anywhere ! She's just too distracting X'D I play with her instead of studying... So... I'm sorry if I have to ignore you for a whole month Cuddles TT Please be a good girl !!


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4 lovebites

  1. I already helping you in accounts, But I will help you with Add Math if I can. Sorry, I can't help you with your Leo form

  2. You don't have to help me in everything :) But thank you for the help in accounts !

  3. You are welcome. I help you because you are my friend, just that simple. <3
