
#409 - Hey Ho !

5:55 PM

Mind me...I'm running out of blog titles for the posts today.... This is one mainly pictures of people :) There's some here and some on facebook. kekekeke. Refer to #407 for Langkawi pictures and #408 for random shots :) Thank you and I'm so sorry for being a lousy blogger lately !!! Didn't mean for it to turn out like this :((

Sharon and I on the first night :) People kept saying I looked like an Angel (which I am, because that's the name of TeenTop's fanclub :P okay lame I know, sorry !!) , and someone said I looked like a ballerina ! HAHA ! Thank you thank you !!! I personally think I looked like a flower girl but oh well. Couldnt really take a better picture because........... Just because.

I liked this place :) The whole walkway was just beautiful ! And this bridge.... the pond around it had lots of big fishes !! I would stay there the whole day but I would be blocking people's path too... /sobs/

This will probably be one of the last times I get to wear my Leo uniform :( The last would be at installation.

I wanted to wear a different dress for the second night... but it didn't reach me in time :( Shall wear that for qm dinner then kekeke. I feel like I should have took a better picture. The ID tag..... should have been somewhere else oTL

You know what ? I'll just skip the whole thing. HAHAHAHA. Sorry TT I am really not in the blogging mood. Maybe tomorrow ? The rest of the pictures are at my facebook ~ People usually just want the pictures and not the words anyway :((

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