
#406 - Before I Forget...

12:09 PM

warning : it's just a post to dump all the pictures i have yet to upload. feels meaningless to take the pictures and not upload them. or just keep them rotting in the computer T^T

I forgot when these were taken :P But it was my first time wearing the shoes Natalie bought for me !! 

I'm starting to love my black skirt more. And I'm also starting to like crop tops and such. I need to revamp my whole closet soon... slowly... probably at a snail's pace....

Oh, and I just keep taking so many random pictures I dump them all in a blogpost. Like this one ! HAHA.

I is loving these shoes ^~^ They make me look taller. They make my legs look longer ! kekeke

And I went to cut my hair ~ Trim actually. Don't think I'm gonna get rid of this hairstyle for a long time.

It looks better tied up T^T And I should get to studying before I forget......

PS : I WANT TO SEE UKISS AND TEENTOP !!! Why are they coming this friday and saturday ? TT I want to cry already... !! Can I skip tuition to see UKISS ? :/ Can TeenTop come to Langkawi ?? D: It's times like these I wish forum didnt clash with events TWT

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3 lovebites

  1. weih, I like ur new hairstyle where u tied your hair. You look more like a good girl . Haha Just Joking ... BIGBANG also coming leh ... I can't wait to watch those sexy korean girls' performance !

  2. bigbang is not sexy girls la omg
