

7:04 PM

Tired. Mentally tired. And pimples. Lots of them.
Are you experiencing the same thing ? Two weeks of exams is really stressful ! Thank goodness I only have two days of exam left. But that alone is 5 papers to sit for -.-

Oh, and I just cut my hair :P This picture is an old one HAHA. Probably from a  few weeks ago. I am mentally tired. Will be updating with a new blogskin soon ! And a cover :P kekekeke.

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3 lovebites

  1. Nstasha, Jia You ! Be more optimistic, don't be like me easy to get stress up and in the end ruin everything. I already ruined my chemistry paper just because I get panic when I saw a complicated question. Anyways you still looks pretty although you got pimples, OK ? And one more last thing, I am waiting for your new blog skin and cover ! <3
