#227 - Teddy Bear Hug !

1:20 PM

AH HA ! A HAHAHAHHA ! A HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA ! :D Helloowwws ~ Randomly going to post something here today. Then I saw this picture of Grace and I again, from the USJ 13 school carnival. HAHA. She commented on the photo via facebook that we hug like teddy bears ! XD Guess what ? Imma blogging about teddy bears hugging today, LOL. More of pictures only today =)

Its not okay to be alone. Unless you only want some time to think over some sensitive things. Just read the words in the picture above, "I'm allright, really. I just need a hug.". Sound like you ? =) OR is it just what your heart says ?

Even a cat can hug. So why can't you ? Just go and hug a friend today. TEEHEE. Will you ?

And besides, you don't have to be a bear to hug someone. You just have to give a very very very very very very BIG BEAR HUG =D teehee. kthxbai, vivi ♥

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